Research for beautiful skin and wellness
Sadick Research Group is a leading international research center with more than 25 years of experience in large multicenter studies as well as in small explorative investigator initiated trials. Our specialties include most types of clinical studies, which assess skin, nails and/or hair. Due to this clear specialization, we can offer our clients consultations with experts in these fields, in addition to an efficient and smooth execution of their studies. Our experience and expertise coupled with interest and curiosity makes us a valuable partner for every research project from the first discussion of ideas to the presentation of the final results.

Pharmaceutical Studies
Sadick Research Group has extensive experience in clinical trials of dermatological topical, oral and monoclonal drugs for all dermatological conditions including acne, rosacea, melasma, onychomycosis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and many more. Our tests for cutaneous safety and efficacy follow the protocol for FDA requirements as well as international guidelines. Additionally, we conduct trials evaluating systemic safety including ECGs, clinical chemical parameters and systemic absorption as well as histological and immunohistochemical effects.
Cosmeceutical Studies
Sadick Research Group provides tolerability and efficacy testing for cosmetic products to meet legal and regulatory requirements or to support a strong claim. We offer effective and efficient standard study protocols as well as custom study fitted to meet your needs. Our assessments include standardized photography, biophysical measurements and subject’s self-assessment with evaluated questionnaires. Furthermore, we record subject’s satisfaction with soft-factors like scent, haptic or spreading property, which could be of significant relevance for marketing.

Medical Device Studies
Sadick Research Group is one of the world’s leading research centers for medical devices with decades of experience. Our partner, Sadick Dermatology, a leading dermatology office in New York’s Upper East Side, enables the involvement of highly educated and experienced physicians at every study phase. Dr. Sadick, the founder and head of Sadick Research Group, is a world-renowned expert in skin rejuvenation and body sculpting trials including laser and radiofrequency based modalities, injectable lipolytics, fillers, neuromodulators and many more. All trials take place using internationally recognized methods.