Sadick Dermatology Manhattan

Botox & Injectables

botox and injectables
Injectables sometimes get a bad rap, with many people falsely believing that these treatments leave you with unnatural and unattractive results. We’ve all seen pictures movie stars who went a little needle crazy, leaving them with a ballooned, puffed out, frozen facial appearance. But for every bad example of fillers and Botox, there’s hundreds of undetectable treatments performed that leave women looking refreshed. You know how your face looks different after a long, relaxing vacation? It’s like that.

Listen, it’s true: one should be cautious of low cost injectable treatments performed by lesser trained professionals. But in the hands of skilled professionals like the team at Sadick Dermatology, Botox and and fillers can create natural, beautiful results.ri

Thanks to the experience of our team, injectable wrinkle treatments and dermal volumizers are among the safest and most effective anti-aging solutions for temporarily renewing the appearance of skin on the face, neck, hands, and body. These non-invasive procedures can treat a wide range of common cosmetic concerns.

You probably already know that injectables are used to diminish wrinkles and add volume to the lips. But did you know that injectables can also give you a more defined jawline, younger-looking hands, and even melt that annoying bra fat? It’s true! Keep reading more about how injectables work and how Sadick Dermatology can help you reach your aesthetic goals. 

Our Approach

Volumentric Structural Rejuvenation

Here at Sadick Dermatology, we have developed an entirely new approach to these injectable treatments that allow for better looking, longer lasting, and more comprehensive anti-aging results than any other dermatology group in the world.

The approach that we’ve developed is called “Volumetric Structural Rejuvenation™” or VSR. In short, we take a comprehensive, next-generation approach to slow down the aging process.

Most dermatologists will use injectables to “fill” the face, which can result in an unnatural ballooning appearance. In contrast, at Sadick Dermatology the goal is to provide structural support and collagen rejuvenation rather than inflating.

This highly effective, novel approach is based on our research to slow down the aging process (rather than waiting for it to happen and then reverse it). As a result, you’ll look like yourself, but refreshing! 

injectables NY Manhattan
injectables NY Manhattan

What Can Injectables Do?

At Sadick Dermatology we offer a vast array of injectable treatments that can effectively create the following solutions:

What To Expect From Your Injectable Procedure And Recovery?

Yes, there are needles involved. But don’t worry: our injectable treatments are minimally invasive and highly effective in addressing premature signs of aging and other concerns with the appearance of the face, body, or hands.

Most injectable treatments are performed in under 30 minutes in the comfort of one of our two state-of-the-art facilities. While a topical numbing agent may be applied to help with discomfort, many of our injectables already contain a mild anesthetic in their formulas and are easily tolerated by our patients.

Mild redness, bruising, swelling, or irritation at the site of your injections are the most common side effects experienced with injectable treatments but can vary depending on the treatment selected and the ingredients utilized in the product formula. To minimize the chance of bruising, avoid alcohol 2-3 days before treatment and refrain from taking NSAIDS (Advil, Motrin, etc), aspirin (unless ordered by a physician), vitamin E, and fish oil.

There is generally no downtime associated with injectable procedures, so you can immediately return to your daily activities without any obvious signs you’ve had work done. Many of our patients visit us on their lunch break!

The duration of your results depends on the injectable product and the severity of your concerns. Your practitioner will be able to provide you with a more accurate estimate, though every patient is different. 

injectables NY Manhattan

Which Injectable Is Right For You?

Choosing the right injectable or combination of injectables for you will depend on several factors, such as the type of concerns you wish to treat and their location, as well as your expectations for the duration of the results

But don’t worry! You don’t have to pick one yourself. Our team of experts will choose which injectables are right for you. Here’s some more information on our available injectables, and how they can help you to reach your aesthetic goals. 


While not a dermal volumizing product, Kybella is a non-surgical injectable treatment used to reduce submental fullness, or what is often referred to as a double chin. A double chin can be caused by weight gain, genetics, or aging, and can occur even if you lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Kybella works to destroy fat cells in this region with deoxycholic acid— a naturally occurring molecule in the body that assists in the breakdown of fat. When injected under the chin, Kybella kills fat cells for a noticeable reduction in the region.

Kybella can also be used for smaller, stubborn areas such as bra fat or banana roll. Once fat cells have been destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat in the area for lasting results.

Kybella commonly requires multiple treatments, with the exact amount determined by Dr. Sadick or his expert staff depending on the severity of your submental fat. Noticeable results are typically visible within 2-4 treatments, and will drastically improve the contour of your jawline for years to come. 

Neurotoxin Injectables:

Neurotoxin injectables, also known as neuromodulators, each utilize unique prescription formulations of the neurotoxin Botulinum Toxin Type A to address dynamic wrinkles or wrinkles caused by your most facial expressions such as smiling, frowning, or furrowing your brow. Neurotoxin treatments temporarily alter the nerve signals to facial muscles that contribute to these lines. 


Botox is easily the most recognizable neurotoxin injectable brand, allowing for reliable anti-aging treatments in multiple facial areas, including the crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead lines.

Botox is also an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) in the underarms, soles of the feet, palms, and scalp. If you experience an uncomfortable or embarrassing amount of sweat in these areas, Botox injections may be a good solution to help significantly reduce that perspiration and keep you dry. 


Sadick Dermatology offers two other exceptional neuromodulator products that can provide some patients with even better results depending on their physiology and personal goals. Dysport is a neurotoxin injectable that is specifically designed to address moderate to severe frown lines that form between your eyebrows, also known as “elevens” or glabellar lines. This injectable can drastically smooth the appearance of eyebrow lines by paralyzing underlying muscles without altering the natural movements of your face.

Like Botox, Dysport can be used in a variety of areas and is effective for forehead lines, crow’s feet, excessive sweating, and neck bands. However, one advantage is that it appears to have a more global effect, particularly when treating wrinkles around the eyes, such as crow’s feet.

Results of Dysport will take about two to three days to take effect, and will last an average of three to four months before your next treatment is required. 


Jeuveau, also known by its nickname of Newtox or #NEWTOX is the newest form of botulinum toxin released to the market. Much like its predecessor, Botox, it works to reduce the appearance of expression lines (especially the vertical lines between your eyebrows, the “glabellar lines”). According to the company Evolus, who created Jeuveau, this is “the first FDA approved neurotoxin dedicated to aesthetics and manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility using High-Pure technology.”

As a newer product Jeuveau may not be available in every dermatology practice right away, but it is expected to hit NYC practices in Spring 2019 and we plan to be among the first to have it for our patients.


Xeomin is a highly purified form of botulinum toxin that reduces the appearance of horizontal forehead lines or the vertical lines between your eyebrows. Its formulation may also be used to address nasal squint lines, fine lines around the eyes, necklines, or even profuse sweating.

Xeomin on average will take about 7 -14 days to visibly reduce your expression lines for an overall smoother and fold-free complexion. Results for most patients will last three to four months before a repeat treatment is needed.

Revance Injectable

Sadick Dermatology is eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new class of anti-aging, neuromodulator treatments from a company named “Revance.” Their promising research on daxibotulinumtoxinA (RT002 Injectable) presents an exciting opportunity for the first long-lasting injectable treatment. If approved, this would represent the first major innovation in the neuromodulator market in decades. While official indications and results have yet to be released, there is compelling evidence to suggest that this new anti-aging / anti-wrinkle treatment could last more than twice as long as the current options available. 

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers (HA)

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in the skin that acts as a magnet for moisture and keeps skin looking healthy and supple. As you age, this essential ingredient for the skin’s plump appearance begins to deplete, causing the face to lose volume and moisture and appear more dry, flat, and wrinkled.

As a key ingredient in dermal fillers, HA can safely and effectively restore volume to soft tissues and fill wrinkles from within for a more youthful, natural-looking appearance that lasts. 


This HA filler utilizes a soft, flexible gel that works to blend in with the skin’s natural structure to fill moderate to severe etched-in lines from within. It is an ideal treatment for areas of the face such as nasolabial folds, tear troughs (under eyes), smile lines or vertical lines around the lips.

Results with this filler are immediate, with a visibly smoother and softer appearance to delicate lines around the mouth. Belotero can last up to six months for patients depending on the area of injections. 

Juvederm Ultra

Juvederm Ultra is a smooth, injectable HA gel that is specifically used to add fullness to naturally thin lips or lips that have begun to flatten or wrinkle with age. The versatility of this filler allows it to treat concerns with facial volume loss and moderate to severe facial wrinkles as well.

Results of Juvederm Ultra can last up to one year, with visibly fuller and younger-looking lips or skin until your next appointment.  

Juvederm Ultra Plus

As a more thick formulation than Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus is used to treat more severe facial folds and wrinkles such as nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and volume loss to the cheeks.

This filler can also be utilized in a “liquid facelift” procedure to sculpt and reshape facial or hand contours for a more supple, youthful appearance.

Results are instant and can last up to one year until the body naturally absorbs the HA and repeat treatment is required.

Results of Juvederm Ultra can last up to one year, with visibly fuller and younger-looking lips or skin until your next appointment.  

Juvederm Volbella

Juvederm Volbella is ideal for treating moderate to severe folds around the nose and mouth, such as parentheses lines and overall soft tissue volume loss. It is often considered the “happy medium” injectable in terms of durability and spreadability to treat softer wrinkles and lines.

Volbella is estimated to endure longer than most traditional HA fillers, with its immediate results lasting up to 12 months.

Juvederm Vollure

Juvederm Vollure contains the thinnest, most spreadable gel of the Juvederm collection for treating delicate areas of the face such as fine lines around the eyes and mouth. It can be used to fill more moderate facial folds that occur around the nose and mouth and restore volume to the face and hands.Vollure is also designed to endure for up to 12 months until your next injectable treatment is needed.

Juvederm Voluma

Juvederm Voluma is a unique filler designed to target the loss of facial volume in the cheeks and temples that occur with age, often referred to as the midface descent.

Voluma can restore fullness and moisture to a face that has flattened with age or begun to sag. By adding volume beneath the skin’s surface, Voluma provides a lifting effect and improves upon the cheeks’ contour.

Juvederm Voluma has the longest-lasting results of the Juvederm family, with natural-looking suppleness added to the face that lasts up to 18 months before your next treatment.


Restylane is another brand of HA fillers that work to add volume and fullness to the skin to reduce the appearance of mid to deep lines and wrinkles, such as nasolabial folds and marionette lines. Restylane will enhance your facial features with added volume and reduce the appearance of lines for natural, younger-looking skin.

It can also be used to plump up aging, wrinkled hands or augment lips to a more supple shape. The results of Restylane are designed to last up to 12 months.

Restylane Lyft

Restylane Lyft is explicitly formulated for deep implantation into soft tissue to restore volume to the cheeks, temples, and hands for a lifted and smoother appearance to your skin. It is ideal for those whose midface has begun to sink, or for filling out the back of the hands that have become wrinkled with age.

The results of Restylane Lyft will supply volume and lift to your cheeks for up to 12 months or until the formula is naturally dissolved and absorbed by your body.

Restylane Silk

Restylane Silk utilizes smaller and smoother HA particles than other products in the Restylane collection to subtly augment the shape and profile of thin lips, or fill the appearance of fine lines around the mouth area, known as perioral wrinkles.

The full results of Restylane Silk are usually visible within two weeks after your injections, with lips appearing younger, fuller, and more symmetrical. Effects will last about six months until the body safely and gradually absorbs the filler.


Bellafill is a filler comprised of polymethylmethacrylate microspheres, which is a synthetic but biodegradable ingredient. The tiny spheres sit beneath your skin and act as a foundation for which your natural collagen can develop on to add volume to wrinkles and reduce their appearance. Bellafill is commonly used to address deep smile lines or fill acne scars.

Since Bellafill boosts your collagen from within, your softer and smoother appearance can endure for up to five years, making it an ideal treatment for those who do not want more frequent repeat treatments that are often required with traditional dermal fillers.


Radiesse utilizes microspheres suspended in a thick, spreadable gel carrier to naturally stimulate collagen production in your skin for wrinkle reduction and to restore volume to the skin, particularly the jawline, chin, and hands.

The microspheres are a naturally-occurring substance in the body known as Calcium Hydroxylapatite, which is safely absorbed by the body over time.

Radiesse injectables provide instant volume and wrinkle reduction to the face and hands that continues to improve with time as your body develops its own natural collagen. Full results are usually visible one week after injections are administered.


Sculptra uses a synthetic material that is also biocompatible with the body so it can naturally be absorbed over time known as Poly-L-lactic acid. This acid is metabolized within a few days of your injections, however, it continues to stimulate collagen production deep within the skin to improve the appearance of facial folds, volume loss, cellulite, acne scars, and chin wrinkles.

Sculptra is also frequently used for buttock augmentation, and the team at Sadick Dermatology can leverage this product for a safer, yet equally effective version of the Brazilian Buttock Lift or “Brazilian Butt Lift.”

Results with Sculptra are unique in that they appear gradually over your treatment regime, and are usually fully visible after three to four months as collagen rebuilds the skin’s structure.Your skin will look more youthful and full for up to two years with Sculptra treatments.

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